10 – 12 September
University of Liverpool and Online
Abstract submission is now closed.
You can join discussions on social media using #Ento24

Abstract submission
Abstract submission is now closed.
If you submitted an abstract, you will find out if your abstract has been accepted at least one week before the earlybird registration deadline, Friday 19 July. If your abstract is accepted, you will be required to register by the earlybird deadline to confirm your place in the programme.
Ento24 provides an opportunity to present your research to a large audience across the field of insect science. We are offering opportunities for both talk and poster presentations, in person and online, allowing as much of the community to participate as possible.
Abstracts are welcomed across all themes of insect science and related disciplines, but Ento24 will have a particular focus on the following topics:
- Host-microbiome interactions
- Vector-borne diseases (medical, veterinary, plant)
- Biocontrol
- Taxonomy and systematics
- Insect conservation and diversity
Abstract guidelines
Please read the below before submitting your abstract using the online form:
- Abstracts should be no longer than 200 words.
- The title of your presentation should clearly identify the key message of your research and ideally include the organism and/or system of study to ensure it is allocated to the most appropriate session.
- All presentations have equal status, so there is no difference in the standing of oral or poster presentations.
- Submitting your abstracts does not automatically secure a slot. You will be contacted by the organisers after the abstract deadline to whether your abstract has been selected.
- Although we cannot guarantee a presentation at Ento24, we do our best to ensure everyone is able to participate with a talk or poster presentation.
- All abstract submitters will find out if they have been accepted at least one week before the earlybird registration deadline. You must register by the earlybird deadline for your abstract to be confirmed. If you do not register by this date, you abstract will be removed from the programme.
Abstract submission is now closed.

Registration is now open for Ento24. This includes opportunities to join in person and online.