Year of Honorary Fellowship, 2001

Dr Glyn A Vale is a leading researcher on tsetse behaviour and the use of bait technologies for controlling tsetse, and the author of Tsetse Plan.

He is visiting Professor at the Natural Resources Institute and previously Chief Glossinologist and Director at the Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control Branch of the Department of Veterinary Services, Zimbabwe. Dr Vale was also Finalist in the 2003 World Technology Awards for the Environment.

His most recent publications include:

Scaling up of tsetse control to eliminate Gambian sleeping sickness in northern Uganda PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease

Negative density-dependent dispersal in tsetse (Glossina spp): red flag or red herring? 

Medical and Veterinary Entomology

Negative density-dependent dispersal in tsetse (Glossina spp): An artefact of inappropriate analysis 

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

portrait of Dr Glyn A Vale Hon.FRES