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PRESS RELEASE 7 March 2022

Insects in a warming world

Professor Camille Parmesan, leading researcher into how life on earth is affected by climate change, has given the Royal Entomological Society’s prestigious Verrall Lecture this year.

Professor Parmesan is Coordinating Lead Author for Working Group II of the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and has spent the last four years looking at the impacts of global warming.

The lecture came just days after the publication of the IPCC Report and focused on how insects have been affected by our changing climate and the forecast for the future of this crucially important group of animals.

“The window of opportunity to limiting global warming is small and rapidly shrinking but there are still options– Professor Parmesan.

Despite the clear severity and urgency of the IPCC report’s conclusions, Professor Parmesan showed that there were still clear opportunities for action and hope.

Professor Parmesan also delivered a version of her lecture for younger scientists aged 11-16, organised by the Royal Entomological Society with the Amateur Entomologists Society.

Watch Young Verrall on the Amateur Entomologists Society’s YouTube channel:

Both versions of the lecture showed the audiences how insect research is a vital component of understanding life on earth.

Notes to Editors

For more information about this news release, contact RES Director of Communications and Engagement Luke Tilley on +44(0)7912180844 or email

About the Royal Entomological Society (RES)

The Society unites experts across the globe to share and preserve knowledge about insects while engaging diverse audiences. It invests in meaningful insect science to benefit people and nature.

Founded in 1833, the RES supports entomology, the study of insects through its international scientific journals and other publications, scientific meetings and by providing a forum for disseminating research findings, such as its prestigious Verrall Lecture Series

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